Ballywalter Road, Millisle
Ballywalter Road, Millisle consists of a mixture of 1 and 2 bedroom general needs apartments.
Donaghadee Road, Bangor
Donaghadee Road in Bangor will feature 8 Category 1 Apartments
Downshire Road, Newry
A mix of apartments and houses, close to local amenities and easy access to public transport with gas central heating.
East Street, Newtownards
A mix of wheelchair and general needs apartments and townhouses, close to the town centre, easy access to public transport and gas central heating
Hillsborough Road, Lisburn
This scheme will feature 11 3 person 2 bedroom Category 1 apartments.
Malone Mews, Belfast
A mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, close to a wide range of local amenities, located on the popular Lisburn Road, with easy access to the public transport, city centre and the motorway. Gas central heating and car parking available.
Ogle Street, Armagh
A mix of apartments, maisonettes and townhouses, close to a wide range of local amenties. On site parking, wheelchair units and gas central heating.
Quarry Heights, Newtownards
A mix of apartments and houses with gas central heating
Railway Road, Coleraine
A mix of 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, central location, close to local amenities, easy access to public transport and gas central heating
Tillie and Hendersons, L'Derry
A mix of General Needs, Category 1 and Wheelchair apartments on the historic site of the Tillie & Hendersons shirt factory. Close to local amenities.
Waterloo Place, L'Derry
An apartment scheme close to the city centre, easy access to public transport and gas and electric heating. Lifetime homes