Pet Issues
Dog owners can be given an on-the-spot fine by their Local Council if they do not clear up after their dog. The amount is normally a fixed penalty fine of £80.
Try speaking to your neighbour to make them aware of their responsibility. If you have tried speaking to them or do not feel able to, you can make a report.
- If the offence took place in a public area such as a pavement or park, please contact the Council who will contact your neighbour and possibly issue a fine if you are able to provide them with sufficient evidence.
- Each Council website will normally cover guidance on responsible dog ownership and animal welfare.
- If the offence took place on our land, please complete our general enquiry form. Once we receive your report, we will make contact with your neighbour. Please note the Council will only issue fines in relation to public land. Ark Housing do not issue fines.
If you wish to report dog barking please refer to the noise section of our toolkit.
Dangerous Dogs
Some dogs can become aggressive and bite other animals or people.
Under the law any dog (of any breed or type) can be considered dangerous in any place if it is not kept under control. The dog doesn't have to bite anyone; it could just show aggressive behaviour that makes someone feel in fear for their safety. If you are in fear of your safety, please contact the Police immediately or report the dangerous dog to your Council.
Once you have reported it to the Police, please contact us by phone or via our Online Contact Us form with the incident report number and the officer's name so we can work with them to agree the next steps.